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Gifts From God Ministries
Website Development Case Study

March - June 2024 (11 Weeks)
Figma, Low/Mid/High Fidelity Prototyping, Wireframing, Project Managing
UX Designer/ Project Lead/ Researcher
Project Summary
For this project, my group was tasked with the research, design, and development of a brand new website for the Gifts From God Ministry in Chicago, Illinois. Our group's main task was to work alongside the owners of the church to ensure that we create a website that fit each and every one of their needs. In order to complete this project, my group developed an expansive Needs Analysis which documented personas, user stories, and even acceptance criteria in order to demonstrate what the target demographic of this website might be.
Alongside that, we also created an expansive Requirements Document, which displayed the functional, non-function, technical, and documentation requirements for this project.
Finally, before we were ready to fully develop the website, we constructed an expansive site map, wireframe, and mid-fidelity prototype.
Listed at the bottom of the page are links to the full documents.
Persona Creation
After interviewing the pastors of the church, we developed a understanding of the congregation that belongs to the Gifts from God ministry. From the information we acquired, we developed 4 personas that would encapsulate any possible users of their website.

Website Mapping
Throughout many hours of interviewing and conversation over zoom, my team gathered a list of requirements for the website that the owners deemed necessary. These requirements included everything from important pages they wanted featured on the website, to any plug-ins or features they were interested in including. From this information, I created a comprehensive website map to use as a guide map in further development.

The site map I developed immediately lead to the creation of an even more comprehensive and built-out wireframe that my group and I developed in Figma.

After the development of the wireframe had been completed and the general layout of the website had been approved by the owners of the church, we then immediately began developing a mid/high-fidelity prototype of their website.

Finished Website
From the original prototype to the final product, the website had been expanded on greatly and the owners of the website were extremely pleased with the work we had done. The website is still in fantastic condition and still has proved to be an exceptional tool for Gifts From God Ministry.
Linked below is the URL for the website:

If I was able to go back in time and restart this project, I would certainly approach it slightly different. To name the biggest adjustments I would make:
1.) I would work to resolve the interpersonal issues within the group faster than my group originally did. If the team was working on the same page earlier in the project, then we would've been able to get more done much faster.
2.) I would've chosen a different webhost. Utilizing NameCheap led to many unforseen difficulties that could've been avoided entirely.
3.) I would plan the meetings with our community partner much more in order to ensure our meetings were productive and efficient.
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